For the activities performed by the Italian National Blood Centre (CNS), Article 12, paragraph 2 of Law 219/2005 provided for the establishment of a Steering Committee, composed of the president of the National Institute of Health, a director appointed by the Minister of Health, three heads of intraregional and interregional coordination centres appointed by the Permanent Conference for relations between the State, the regions and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, every five years, and a representative from the associations and federations of voluntary blood donors. The Committee performs tasks of guidance, coordination and promotion of transfusion activities throughout Italy.

Currently the members of the Steering Committee of the CNS are:

Director General of the CNS
Vincenzo De Angelis

President of the National Institute of Health

Heads of the regional coordination centres for transfusion activities

Vanessa Agostini (The Liguria Region)

Simona Carli (The Tuscany Region)

Pasquale Colamartino (The Abruzzo Region)

Representatives from voluntary blood donors associations and federations

Gianpietro Briola (National President AVIS)

Giovanni Musso (National president FIDAS)

Vincenzo Manzo (President pro-tempore FRATRES for the first 30 months)

Paolo Monorchio (National referent of blood donation for CRI for the last 30 months)