The Certification Scheme of Inspectors for the Italian Transfusion System (VSTI), which codifies the practice standard for the certification of inspectors:

  • is a certification scheme of which the CNS is the proprietor, given the absence of an ISO/UNI reference standard for the certification of this professional position
  • was developed by the CNS in accordance with the requirements of UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17024 “General requirements for bodies performing personnel certification”
  • was shared with all “stakeholders” (Ministry of Health, Regions/Autonomous Provinces, National Institute of Health)
  • has been approved by ACCREDIA (the only Italian National Accreditation Body mandated by the Italian government).

This document defines:

  • the professional profile of inspectors (VSTIs)
  • the admission requirements for the certification exam (qualification, education, work experience)
  • the process and modalities for VSTI certification
  • the modalities for conducting examinations for the purpose of certification
  • the requirements for retaining certification
  • the requirements for renewing certification
  • the modalities for conducting examinations for the purpose of renewing certification
  • criteria for the temporary suspension or revocation of certification