Si è tenuto il 23 e 24 aprile, a Roma, presso l’Hotel Ripa, la seconda edizione di “The supply of plasma-derived medicinal products in the future of Europe“. L’evento, dedicato a tutti i professionisti del settore, ha coinvolto i principali attori del sistema sangue e del settore della plasmaderivazione, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale.
L’obiettivo principale dell’incontro è stato quello di condividere le diverse esperienze su tutti i temi principali relativi alla plasmaderivazione. Un approfondimento particolare è stato poi dedicato al tema del nuovo regolamento europeo sulle Sostanze di origine umana (SOHO), che è stato votato dal Parlamento europeo lo scorso 24 aprile.
Hotel Ripa, via degli Orti di Trastevere, 3, Roma
Per informazioni:
Il programma
Sessione 1:
1. P. Robert – The global demand for PDMPs: Current scenario and future trends
2. F. Candura – The Italian experience on PDMPs contingency
3. J. Pink – Austrialian experience on PDMPs contingency
4. S. Grenier – Plasma derived products demand: a Canadian perspective
5. T. Iijima – An overview of the Japanese blood services and events affecting the supply of PDMPs in Japan
6. F. Moftah – Current situation of the plasma fractionation in the African continent
7. L. Larrea – Country experiences on PDMPs contingency: Spain
8. S. Akuličs – Experience of Latvia on contingency of PDMPs
Sessione 2:
1. P. O’Leary – SUPPLY Project in a nutshell
2. A. de Fijter – SUPPLY Work package 3: Plasma collection and processing best practises
3. V. De Angelis – Recommendations on plasma collection and PDMPs management
4. S. L. Sasongko – Recommendations on appropriate and prioritised use of IG
5. M. A. Vesga Carasa – Position paper on distribution PDMPs coming from EU/national plasma
Tavola rotonda:
1. J.B. Thibert – Donors and patients regarding plasma supply: Ethical implications
2. M. Clement – Donor retention and recruitment strategies
3. K. van den Hurk – Donor protection
4. S. L. Sasongko – Patient protection linked to SUPPLY WP6 Recommendations
Sessione 3:
1. D. Di Giorgio – CHESSMEN: “Coordination and Harmonisation of Existing Systems against Shortages of Medicines – European Network”
2. L. Marrero Ortiz – Identification of the root causes of observed medicines shortages
3. M. Tovornik – CHESSMEN: Identification of best practices to address medicines shortages
4. G. Eibenstein – Digital information exchange for monitoring and reporting medicines shortages
5. J. Linnolahti – Reducing the likelihood of medicines shortages via preventive and mitigation strategies
6. K. Kruttwig – Monitoring and mitigating shortages of medicines and management of public health emergencies/major events
7. M. Hotchko – Asia PDMPs usage and trends
8. L. von Bonsdorff – Insights on PDMPs availability
9. M. Van Baelen – Access to plasma-derived medicines
Discussione aperta:
1. A. Farrugia – Open discussion “Availability of PDMPs and timely access to therapies”: Musings of the moderator
Sessione 4:
1. S. Van der Spiegel – New SoHO regulation and plasma supply
2. A. Rodiadis – The EU pharmaceutical reform
3. R. Forde – EU SoHO regulation: EDQM perspectives
4. M. J. van der Werf – An overview of the new and upcoming EU legislation on substances of human origin and pharmaceuticals: Perspectives and implications
5. K. Kruttwig – Proposed reform of the pharmaceutical legislation